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Colorfull little village on the island of Procida. In the south of Italy. Photographer is Kitty Bertelink.
"So much to see, so many colors"
Karin Heystee, visual artist, and Kitty Bertelink, illustrator and photographer. We have joined forces and formed Studio Heyki together.
Karin Heystee (1963) is a visual artist. She paints and exhibits her paintings from 1987 in various places in the Netherlands and Italy. She started as an autodidact and has improved her technique by following workshops with well-known artists such as Olav Cleofas van Overbeek, Dorry van der Winkel and Paul Banning. In 2008 she did the basic training at the Classical Academy for Painting in Groningen. Karin lives and works in Reahus Friesland.
Kitty Bertelink (1990) is a photographer. In 2008 she did the preliminary training of Kunstacademie Minerva in Groningen. She was hired but has opted to follow a specialized training as a photographer. In 2013 she graduated and also started her own company Kitty Photography. She specializes in home and interior photography. In addition to the photo work, Kitty makes illustrations, Lief Monster and special portrait photographs in commission. Kitty lives and works in Tirns Friesland.
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