wood hyacinths in the morning light in the Hallerbos, Belgium
Hasselblad Master category landscape and nature. First prize and gold medal winner Trierenberg Circuit. I would like to thank everyone who purchased a work from me through this website. Unfortunately due to the law on the protection of privacy data, I do not have access to the information who buys my work and can therefore not send a personal thank you. I very well understand that it can be an exciting purchase, to buy work via the Internet, just like that. It is not easy to judge the quality on a computer screen. Beautiful pictures in miniature do not guarantee that they will have the same effect seeing them in large. Skillfully enlarging, high resolution files, photos taken with quality cameras and a skilled photographer or artist makes that you have a better chance of getting a really beautiful work in your home. Together with WadM we make sure that you get a work of quality. If you are not satisfied, please let me know. If you are satisfied, tell others. Have you seen my work of mine which is not here on the website, please contact me at info@larsvandegoor.com and I can add the desired work. For more information see my website larsvandegoor.com. If you want an image as wallpaper, please best to contact me in advance to see if the chosen image will be suitable.
For abstract work by me, I refer you to GOOR abstracts, also on the Werk aan de Muur website.
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