This artwork is part of our series of photographic collage works - Creatures. Creatures created through a composite of fragments, trials and coincidences. The misfits that didn't fit within the series we were working with at the time. The darlings we didn't want to kill.
This toy-like figure emerged from a session for our series of artworks by Red Venus. As with the artwork Release Your Inner Child, the message of this more mature version is - Release the child in you or dare to be playful.
"Atelier Kunst & Ko is the collaboration of Leiden based artists Peter and Sven de Ru. The graphic style of son Sven complements the artistic background of father Peter. The cooperation is inspiring and leads to new insights in our art. The different approaches lead to artworks with an added value. What that added value is we leave up to you. Just like the choice of which work of art to make your house a home.
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