Check out this beautiful bouquet of white roses and white amaryllis calyces. Wrapped with white tulle, against a black background and on a black damask tablecloth. There is also some fruit on the table.
This picture gives a warm, classic feeling and fits into a classic interior. It will evoke many admiring glances if you hang this photo, printed large, above your dining table or in the hall for example. But of course it can be hung anywhere in the house, or in the corridors of a hotel. Everything is possible. It was taken in the studio but it evokes the image of 'long ago' or 'great painters masters'. This was my inspiration and this is what I wanted to convey. In terms of colours, it also suits this very well. So do you like flowers, classic and old masters? Then this is a perfect painting!
I am a Dutch lifestyle family photographer. In the area of Noord Holland. Photography is my passion, I can use all my creativity in it.
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