Popular artists of the Bear collection

Discover our popular artists from the Bear collection. These artists are known for their iconic images within the collection. Get inspired by our creative talents, and discover their other artworks! Explore the other artists from this collection here.

  1. Mrs. Bear loves music Sonja Mengkowski

    138,- ArtFrame, 55x75cm Choose your own size

  2. Mr. Bär loves music Sonja Mengkowski

    138,- ArtFrame, 55x75cm Choose your own size

  3. Sailor - Art for Kids Sonja Mengkowski

    138,- ArtFrame, 55x75cm Choose your own size

  1. Be Carefully !, Alessandro Catta 1x

    153,- ArtFrame, 55x80cm Choose your own size

  2. Bear, Angyalosi Beata 1x

    153,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  3. Alaskan king, Eiji Itoyama 1x

    153,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  1. Bear catching salmon in Alaska Jos Hug

    213,- ArtFrame, 95x50cm Choose your own size

  2. Mating grizzly bears in ALaska Jos Hug

    131,- ArtFrame, 80x50cm Choose your own size

  3. Alaskan brown bear in its natural habitat Jos Hug

    137,- ArtFrame, 75x60cm Choose your own size

  1. Christmas charm of the polar bear Eva Lee

    122,- ArtFrame, 55x75cm Choose your own size

  2. Arctic Wonderland: Christmas polar bear Eva Lee

    122,- ArtFrame, 55x75cm Choose your own size

  3. Polar bear in Christmas setting Eva Lee

    122,- ArtFrame, 55x75cm Choose your own size

  1. Black bear cub Menno Schaefer

    150,- ArtFrame, 55x80cm Choose your own size

  2. Black bear cubs Menno Schaefer

    150,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  3. Black bear cub Menno Schaefer

    150,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  1. Curious bear Jasper van de Gein Photography

    154,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  2. Vintage Fiat 500 oldtimer in Italy Jasper van de Gein Photography

    154,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  3. Uilenburg with Binnendieze of Den Bosch - 's-Hertogenbosch Jasper van de Gein Photography

    154,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  1. Polar bear. Tilly Meijer

    175,- ArtFrame, 85x55cm Choose your own size

  2. spetterende ijsbeer. Tilly Meijer

    175,- ArtFrame, 85x55cm Choose your own size

  3. ijsbeer. Tilly Meijer

    175,- ArtFrame, 85x55cm Choose your own size

  1. Giant panda Dennis Van Den Elzen

    170,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  2. Great Wall of China Dennis Van Den Elzen

    159,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  3. Sunset Dennis Van Den Elzen

    159,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  1. Young polar bear Luuk van der Lee

    136,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  2. Heather blooming Luuk van der Lee

    152,- ArtFrame, 85x55cm Choose your own size

  3. Boeddha Luuk van der Lee

    148,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  1. Does my hair look good Lars van de Goor

    170,- ArtFrame, 55x80cm Choose your own size

  2. Polar bear I Lars van de Goor

    170,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size

  3. On the lookout Lars van de Goor

    170,- ArtFrame, 80x55cm Choose your own size