Great Crested Grebes in love by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eagle Owls * Bubo bubo * , young chicks by wunderbare Erde
€ 120,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm | Choose your own size & material
YES TO ALL !!! by Thomas Wagner
€ 173,- ArtFrame, 80x60 cm | Choose your own size & material
Schlafende Katze auf Kratzbaum by Thomas Wagner
€ 114,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
A new Idea by Pippa Mey
€ 105,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm | Choose your own size & material
Blue Leaves by Pippa Mey
€ 130,- ArtFrame, 60x80 cm | Choose your own size & material
Spring collage by Pippa Mey
€ 104,- ArtFrame, 50x70 cm | Choose your own size & material
Joie de vivre by Eberhard Schmidt-Dranske
€ 112,- ArtFrame, 50x70 cm | Choose your own size & material
12,907 reviews (4.8/5)
European Brown Bear ( Ursus arctos ), young animal, exploring its surrounding by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm | Choose your own size & material
European Brown Bear ( Ursus arctos ), fighting with a tree, looks funny by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Great Spotted Woodpecker ( Dendrocopos major ), juvenile, watching out of nest hole by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm | Choose your own size & material
European Badger ( Meles meles ) running along a badger's path by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Great Crested Grebe ( Podiceps cristatus ), looks like an angel, protecting its chick by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Great Crested Grebes ( Podiceps cristatus ) courting by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
funny... Moose *Alces alces* by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm | Choose your own size & material
Common Blackbird ( Turdus merula ) singing its song by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Lynx ( Lynx lynx ), young cute cub, playing on a sandhill, showing its paw, funny little ki by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
playing in water... Brown Bear *Ursus arctos* by wunderbare Erde
€ 120,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm | Choose your own size & material
spring has come... Common Cowslips *Primula veris* by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm | Choose your own size & material
Young chick... Eurasian Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo ) by wunderbare Erde
€ 120,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm | Choose your own size & material
White-throated Dipper, young chick, just fledged by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Lynx ( Lynx lynx ), playful cute cub by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Lynx ( Lynx lynx ) licks deceitful its tongue by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Lynx ( Lynx lynx ), two cubs, playing together by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
High quality materials
Waddling walk... White-fronted Goose * Anser albifrons * by wunderbare Erde
€ 120,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm | Choose your own size & material
Whooper Swans * Cygnus cygnus *, forming a love heart by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Royal Bengal Tiger ( Panthera tigris ), white morph, jumping through the scrub of a natural fores by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Two young Eagle owls / Europäischer Uhus ( Bubo bubo ) sitting next to each other on rocks of an old by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Royal Bengal Tiger ( Panthera tigris ), white morph, running fast, jumping through a natural forest, by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Eagle Owls ( Bubo bubo ), three chicks in the entrance of their nesting burrow, cute and f by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo ) adult gathering its chicks, breeding site in a sand pit, wildlife, by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo ), young chick, moulting plumage, owlet in a sand pit, walking, explo by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Great Horned Owl / Tiger Owl ( Bubo virginianus ) walking, funny frontal view by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Young Common Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis ) looks straight up to the sky, nice clean background, wildl by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm | Choose your own size & material
Royal Bengal Tiger ( Panthera tigris ), white animal, running fast, jumping through the undergrowth by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Cub of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) hunting for mice on snow covered ground, Europe. by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
aqua flowers by Janny Schilderink......Atelier "de Tuute "
€ 150,- ArtFrame, 80x60 cm | Choose your own size & material
Adult Great Crested Grebe / Haubentaucher (Podiceps cristatus) together with four juveniles , three by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Eurasian Eagle Owls ( Bubo bubo ), three young chicks, standing on a little hill, looking brave, cou by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Tawny Owl ( Strix aluco ), baby owl, owlet, young chick, perched on a branch by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Art for everyone, made by thousands of creatives
Eurasian Brown Bear ( Ursus arctos ) running through a frozen puddle by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
European Brown Bear ( Ursus arctos ) plays hide and seek by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Chamois ( Rupicapra rupicapra ) two adult bucks, rivals, chasing each other over a mountain meadow, by wunderbare Erde
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
The bright sun by Frank Herrmann
€ 119,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
poppies by Daan Kloeg
€ 123,- ArtFrame, 80x45 cm | Choose your own size & material
Yesterday, today, tomorrow! by Ineke de Rijk
€ 159,- ArtFrame, 80x55 cm | Choose your own size & material
Sunflower field by Frank Herrmann
€ 119,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm | Choose your own size & material
Girl with hat by Achim Prill
€ 111,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm | Choose your own size & material