Art collection: Minimalism

Buy a minimalistic painting as wall art and bring the modern art movement into your home. A characteristic feature of minimalist photography and paintings is the calming whole. The trendy wall art prints are beautiful and inspirational. You can also think about minimalist nature photography or black and white paintings. Buy a modern painting or photography from the minimalist wall art collection and print it in your preferred sizes!

  1. Tour de France by ! Grobie

    148,- ArtFrame, 80x55 cm Choose your own size

  2. The perfect wave by massimo pardini

    148,- ArtFrame, 80x55 cm Choose your own size

  3. Pro surfer flying by massimo pardini

    123,- ArtFrame, 80x45 cm Choose your own size

  4. Big waves Tenerife by massimo pardini

    124,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size


    133,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  6. Traffic Center Hoek van Holland by Marc Vermeulen

    127,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  7. Grape vines in Tuscany by Marc Vermeulen

    124,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  8. Fécamp, France by Tony Ruiter

    310,- ArtFrame, 125x130 cm Choose your own size

  9. 300,000+ blank walls filled
  10. Étretat, France by Tony Ruiter

    111,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm Choose your own size

  11. beach poles on the sea coast in black and white breakwaters by Groothuizen Foto Art

    143,- ArtFrame, 80x60 cm Choose your own size

  12. The Hague | Government buildings | Hofvijver in the spring by RB-Photography

    197,- ArtFrame, 90x50 cm Choose your own size

  13. Dancing Ballerina's by Gerry van Roosmalen

    157,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  14. Horse Color Me Beautiful by Go van Kampen

    159,- ArtFrame, 60x80 cm Choose your own size

  15. Light beacons in the Westerschelde near Vlissingen by Evert Jan Luchies

    122,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm Choose your own size

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  1. Antique French teacup with pink flower by Susan Hol

    176,- ArtFrame, 80x60 cm Choose your own size

  2. Seascape on Planet P1 by Jan Brons

    153,- ArtFrame, 80x50 cm Choose your own size

  3. Venus de Milo by Jaco Verheul

    124,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm Choose your own size

  4. Aeroplane stripe in blue cloud sky by Michèle Huge

    118,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  5. Rotterdam | Citymap | Square Gray and Blue by WorldMapShop

    139,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm Choose your own size

  6. Rotterdam | City Map | Square in Black & White by WorldMapShop

    139,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm Choose your own size

  7. Text Art BE A VOICE NOT AN ECHO by Melanie Viola

    110,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  8. Alarmclock by Cor Ritmeester

    121,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm Choose your own size

  9. Alarmclock by Cor Ritmeester

    121,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm Choose your own size

  10. Alarmclock by Cor Ritmeester

    121,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm Choose your own size

  11. High quality materials
  12. Alarmclock by Cor Ritmeester

    121,- ArtFrame, 60x60 cm Choose your own size

  13. amsterdam capital of holland by Michel Jansen

    119,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  14. deventer by Michel Jansen

    141,- ArtFrame, 85x50 cm Choose your own size

  15. Boardwalk by Silvio Schoisswohl

    114,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  16. Abstract 2 by Martijn van Huffelen

    114,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm Choose your own size

  17. His place by Melanie Viola

    110,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm Choose your own size

  18. 1809 Millau by Adrien Hendrickx

    248,- ArtFrame, 85x50 cm Choose your own size

  19. 090 Trinidad by Adrien Hendrickx

    248,- ArtFrame, 85x50 cm Choose your own size

  20. Flower by Carla Van Iersel

    152,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm Choose your own size

  21. Minimal Geometry Circle Print by MDRN HOME

    153,- ArtFrame, 60x80 cm Choose your own size

  22. Ocean Circle by Ruud Crins

    114,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  23. Black and White Geometric Print by MDRN HOME

    153,- ArtFrame, 60x80 cm Choose your own size

  24. Silent Ocean Bali - Indonesia by Dirk Wüstenhagen

    127,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  25. esher by serge baugniet

    110,- ArtFrame, 50x75 cm Choose your own size

  26. Stadium De Kuip - Feijenoord by Vincent Fennis

    138,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  27. Stillife wit a yellow and red oilcan by Ernst van Voorst

    139,- ArtFrame, 70x55 cm Choose your own size

  28. Made with passion by true craftsmen
  29. The lonely Lighthouse by Raoul Baart

    110,- ArtFrame, 75x45 cm Choose your own size

  30. Dolphin in the Atlantic by Michel van Kooten

    119,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  31. sunset by the sea by Dirk van Egmond

    124,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  32. Daisies by Ina Bloemendal

    115,- ArtFrame, 70x50 cm Choose your own size

  33. Dandelion fluff by Ina Bloemendal

    119,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size

  34. Home is wherever I'm with you by Green Nest

    111,- ArtFrame, 50x70 cm Choose your own size

  35. Duck at Blue in Colour by SeruRon Photo's

    132,- ArtFrame, 45x80 cm Choose your own size

  36. Black Beach with Rock Needles by Edwin van Wijk

    143,- ArtFrame, 75x50 cm Choose your own size